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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Finishing stage one in construction

Planning a large project, like building a home layout, I decided in the early stages that I would break construction of the layout up into milestones.

Stage one was to construct what you have seen so far with the intention of moving on to stage two when all parts of construction were complete, bar scenery.

Trains have been running well so I need to lock them away and move on to finishing landscaping and facia work.

facia supports in place

As I have said before, I want the facia to flow and I have had to do some pre planning so as to meet my objective.

The roadbed and facia need to be in place and then profiled. I can then insert and shape the foam to suit.

this is the end of stage one

Like I mentioned before, the timber work is no problems but cutting and shaping the foam is just........

is this what they mean by square pegs in round holes.....

All jobs do come to an end and I am quite happy with the results. At this point I can see where building placement will be.

now to scratchbuild the industry

Having a large amount of foam sitting around has been a great help. If I had found a 'Round 2 it' earlier, it would have been an even greater help.

the last of the foam installed and shaped, whoooo....

With all the foam installed, cut and shaped it was time to bring out the vaccum cleaner and clean up. It was a bigger job than I thought as the little white balls went everywhere and through everything.

One big job out of the way and onto another. Yes the hole lot had to be covered in paper towel soaked in PVA glue, whoooo...

This is where having a carpeted and with storage shelves already in place underneath train room becomes a pain in the proverable. Yes that's right I had to move everything and place dropsheets on the floor.

Sorry no pictures, you will have to believe me that glue seeps through everywhere!!!!!!

the end, stage one...

Well the last photo proves it I made it, all the foam is covered and ready for scenery.

Backdrop painting will come first before scenery so if you are handy with a brush, look out.

With the weather having been in my favour the last few weekends and the Good Wife busy I have been able to finally get a good wriggle on.

I feel the power tools are calling me ....................

....................until next time.