Progress on the branch has slowed some what with the need to maintain the property that the train room resides on. I could go into all the great fun stuff I have been doing instead but........
Anyway, having completed the curve leading into "Wattle Flat" and done all the testing, I felt it was time to work on the rest of the station area.
The joy I mentioned in earlier blogs of prewiring the turnouts makes for a little more effort when installing each one as all the holes for the wires and activation need to done at the same time. This sounds easy with one but when you are trying for a few as in the shot below it takes a bit of patience.
You have probably heard it before "...don't need to lay the track pefectly as the prototype was all over the place". Well I am sorry to say that if it ain't spot on then it ain't gonna happen!!
One of my test methods is to push a string of s trucks and bogie wagons through the turnouts as fast as I can and if they stay on they pass the first test. Trains will never run fast on the branch, it is just a method I found that works.
The 44class is at the end of the line.I have always worked in code 100, however this time I am working in code 75. The switch has been worth it. I would love to have hand laid everything, but I only have so many modeling hours. Having hand laid a siding on my exhibition layout, I knew the work involved.
All the turnouts have been DCC modified and installed with the wire activation. I have then tested by running various sound equipped locos through this area checking for faults and dead spots and am pleased to advise all is spot on.
Tracks from left to right at the bottom of the photo,Coal platform, turntable, single stall shed and head shunt.
Probably the most boring photo and job of them all is the wiring. The bus running between two moduules with the turnout wiring and track feeds yet to be installed. The layout sits on the black inch by inch steel frame and everything can be unbolted should I have to move!!!!!!!!!
That's where all those screws went!!! Metric timber here 70 x 19 frame with 42 x 19 risers, simple.The curve heading away from the terminus has now got the track laid. I will try and bank the curve and also remove alot of the sleepers to give the track a more branchline effect. I have tried it in another area and it looks great.
I'll send them back to Peco so they can reuse them, enough said.
The rail is soldered together and then bent around the curve. My joints are then stagered and there are no kinks.Although slow, I am making progress and with the Tuesday nighters keen to head on round for a look I need to have a complete train running asap.
Happy modeling.